Dos and Don’ts in decorating a small apartment

Decorating a small apartment

Do you dream to have your own flat your whole life? This is finally real – you have your perfect space where you will establish your oasis of coziness. The thing is much smaller than you expected. Don’t worry you can organize your small apartment as well as if it was bigger.

We have prepared for you some do’s and don’ts you can follow when you decorate your apartment. When you organize your home, you have to establish one idea about the decoration and keep track of every room.

Our small guide will help you to understand which are the best and the worst practice in decorating small apartments. There is one thing that promises your success – you have to decorate it with love. This will be the home of your dreams.

Dos in decorating a small flat – the best practices to apply

In this paragraph, we will present you with some hacks on how to make your flat look bigger than it actually is. The best way to do this is by playing with the lights and the colors.

Small apartment flooringMaybe you know that bright colors on the walls and the floor make the space look bigger. If this is your goal you can paint the walls in light colors like beige which is an original color that fits all others. Flooring is also very important. If you want to add a special look to the room you can always put a colorful rug.

The biggest challenge when you decorate a small apartment is what furniture to choose. There is a hack that many people love – going for multipurpose furniture. A very good example of this kind of furniture is a bed, which has storage that you can use instead of putting on a big wardrobe.

You can find similar sofas or armchairs that you can use for more than one purpose. You can also skip putting on some furniture that doesn’t bring you any additional comfort. For example, if you need more space in your living room don’t put on a coffee table.

Another great idea is to utilize the vertical space of your flat. You can hang shelves and cabinets on the walls. There are some great interior ideas for handmade shelves. There you can organize many items, books, and souvenirs. This is the best way to get rid of clutter and store some things you need daily.

Something many people do in their small flats is to divide the biggest room into two different spaces. This can happen easily without the need of building an additional wall. You can use curtains or room dividers for this purpose. This will create privacy and you can use both areas as different rooms.

Last but not least add some special touches by incorporating plants and other accessories. Green plants are the best way to refresh the air in your flats and add a natural look. On the other hand, accessories like mirrors and paintings are a great way to personalize your space.

What not to do when you decorate your small flat

Of course, there are many mistakes you can make when you decorate your small flat. Most include applying the wrong color paint or decorating with too large furniture that occupied more space.

Dark color decorUsing too many dark colors in the interior not only for the walls makes your flat look even smaller. If you don’t like brighter colors either better go for neutral colors for the walls, floors, and larger pieces of furniture.

Another thing that people do is to preoccupy the space with accessories and souvenirs. When you decorate a small apartment better to keep it minimalistic. Organize the things that you use on daily bases and store the other stuff in the basement.

Even if your flat can’t host all your interior ideas, it doesn’t mean it will be boring. You can choose very interesting safe-space furniture and incorporate them into your interior design.

Something you have to avoid is putting heavy drapes or curtains that block light and take up too much visual space. Also don’t overcrowd the room with many pillows. If you want to organize a stylish living room, go for minimalistic ideas.

If you can don’t mix the rooms. Even though the space is limited separate the rooms for their purpose. For example, don’t sleep in the living room and don’t have dinner in the bedroom.

If you need to create a home office area is better to do it in the living room than in any other room. Choose a room that you will use for rest and another for fun activities and don’t mix them.

Did we awaken the excitement in you to decorate your new flat? Remember this is something you have dreamed about for a long time. Use your imagination and create your favorite place.

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