Creating a productive home office space – mission possible

Productive home office

Home office or a normal office? This is the question people ask each other very often. Actually, many people prefer going to their physical office because there they feel more productive.

However, some don’t have this choice and have to create the best working environment at home where they can find the motivation to perform well in their job. If you are part of these people, you know how difficult is to focus on the tasks when you work from home especially when you don’t have a separate room.

By the end of this article, you will find great ideas about how to create an isolated home office space where you can finish all your work with pleasure.

Select the best home office area

The first and most important step is to find the best area where you can establish your working space. Not good to hear but not every room is a good choice for a home office. Some rooms in your house are not suitable for this purpose, because they are too noisy and distracting.

An example of a such room is the kitchen, especially if you don’t live alone. This is the room with the most traffic and you won’t find a peaceful atmosphere there.

We don’t suggest you create a workspace in your bedroom either. A bedroom is a place for relaxation and if you are connected to work this can affect the quality of your sleep.

A great solution is to establish an office corner in the living room. Put a desk, a comfy chair, and organize your space. Don’t forget to get rid of any distractions like TV screens and books.

Choose the Furniture with special attention

Speaking about furniture is very important to understand that you will spend a long time using them. That’s why we suggest you invest in high-quality furniture that provides comfort and protects your body from future pain.

When you buy the furniture for your home office keep in mind that you will spend 8 hours per day using them. This is 1/3 of your day so make sure you spend this time in a comfortable position. We recommend you go for an economical chair.

Add light sources

Home office lightThis is a very important factor to consider from the begging when you choose a room for your home office. Natural light is the best lighting and if you can choose a room with the most of it.

The proper lighting is very crucial for productivity because as you know when it’s too dark, we tend to get sleepy. Applying the best light source would boost your performance at work and show your boss you do your best even from home.

A good option for lighting is a desk lamp with LED bulbs that don’t irritate the eyes. The last thing you have to be careful of is that too much light can be as dangerous as the lack of good light.

Say No to the distractions around

The most difficult thing about working from home is to say no to distractions. This includes not only fun entertainment such as watching TV, reading a book, or playing comp games.

When we work from home, we think we can spend some of our working hours doing household chores. Very often people who work from home divide their time between work tasks, running the washing machine, cooking dinner, and cleaning the apartment. This way, you are not only unproductive, but you are also mixing the two things, which is annoying and exhausting.

Boost your productivity at home – set boundaries

It’s easy to blur our personal lives with work when we work outside the home. However, this changes when our home becomes our workplace. Elegant office attire is replaced with home clothes, and we see our children more often instead of our colleagues.

There is great charm in this of course, but when the two things are laughing it is normal to be stressed at first. If you want to have a healthy working environment at home you have to set boundaries between your personal life and the job.

Home office boundariesEven if you work from home, continue to follow the work schedule and don’t get distracted by side duties.

Don’t keep working after hours just because your office is at home, but take a well-deserved break and don’t enter your home office until the next work day.

How to choose home office suppliers

There are many office suppliers you might think to add to your workspace. Some of them are probably provided by your company but some you have to buy.

If you have to do so always consider the size of the space you use at home and if the chosen suppliers will fit there. Our advise is to buy high-quality office accessories so you can use them for a long time.

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