Spring Cleaning – How to do it Right

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It’s near – the time that you both hate and love. The time for spring cleaning.

We all love the feeling of satisfaction a good spring cleaning provides. It’s like a restart of our lives. We feel ready for a new beginning and a new journey toward our goals.

However, before that happens, we have to really put in the effort and time that this overall cleaning requires. Sometimes we are tempted to miss some spots that are really tedious, but that robs us of the satisfaction we could get.

Other times we really give our best and try to be perfect, but the results are somehow not what we expected them to be.

If you want spotless results from spring cleaning, we enquired how successful women do it, and here is all that we found.

Expert Advice on Spring Cleaning

Usually, people make lists for spring cleaning, since otherwise they would simply not know where to start. But where is the right place to start anyway? Is there “right place” at all?

 Surprisingly, when it comes to spring cleaning, there is actually a “right” way to do it.

Even after you’ve created a checklist of basically every single thing that you need to clean, you might still not do it in the order that would allow you do go through the process more quickly and efficiently.

If you are ready to take it to the next level and enjoy the shiny result, here is what experts advise you to do in spring cleaning.

Say Goodbye to Unnecessary Clothes

Unnecessary clothesYep, that’s right. The first step to spring cleaning is actually getting rid of clutter. And you will be surprised how much space can unnecessary clothes take.

As females, we all tend to buy a piece of clothing from time to time, which we end up leaving in the back of our closet and never ever putting on again.

Be honest with yourself. Probably deep inside you know which clothes you are never going to wear again, so why not gather them and donate them to an organization that will bring them to someone who actually needs them?

That will free a lot of space that you can utilize for something else.

Do the Same with Books and Items

After you’re done with the hardest part, it’s time to get rid of other unnecessary items. Inspect every room and gather anything that seems like it’s only collecting dust.

Don’t hold onto something simply because of sentiment. If you don’t use it and it does not make you happy in any way, it’s time to get rid of it.

Declutter the Kitchen

The kitchen is probably the hardest room both for cleaning and decluttering, since it is also the busiest one. That is why you should give it more time than all the other rooms.

Before you start cleaning it out it is also good to minimize clutter by getting rid of anything you are not using, in order to make cleaning easier.

Where to Start Cleaning

As we mentioned, and as you probably already know, the kitchen could be a nightmare when it comes for cleaning. But, as could be applied for almost anything, you should start from the hardest part.

Have a plant for cleaning all the rooms, but start with the kitchen, and then move to the bathroom. After you’ve cleaned the two most tedious-to-clean rooms, you could move onto the easier part, which will feel a lot better than if it was the other way around.

Break it Down

House cleaningDon’t set your goals too high, because it becomes more unlikely to ever achieve them. Set some time for each task and make sure to take breaks as frequently as you need.

Even if it has to take you more than one day, it is important to do everything in steps and take breaks. Even if you have to clean for ten minutes and take a break, make sure to take your time.

Otherwise, you would just burnout and you would most probably give up cleaning whatsoever.

Furthermore, there is a psychological effect of breaking down the big goal into smaller tasks. That way everything feels achievable and we get motivated easily to go step by step and finally accomplish the big goal.

That’s a productivity trick that works not only for cleaning, but for everything else.

Work Top to Bottom

Even with everyday cleaning, it’s better to work from the ceiling down. After all, you will end up cleaning the floor anyways.

If you start from the floor and work your way up to the ceiling, then at the end you would have to clean the floor again from the dirt and dust that has fallen from the ceiling. Instead, you could save yourself some time by starting at the top.

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