Are you satisfied with the sleep you get? If you feel more tired every morning you get up than the night before probably the quality of sleep you get is not the best. There are many reasons behind this, but there is one that many people underestimate.
Have you thought that the decoration in your bedroom has an effect on your quality of sleep? In this article, we are going to explain the impact of bedroom décor and what to do to increase the quality of your sleep.
How the Bedroom Décor Impacts the Quality of Sleep You Get
We all know how important is sleep for our performance and focus on our daily tasks. Bad sleep can ruin not only our day but our life. If we can’t get a good rest our brain and body are not in a good shape. According to the National Sleep Foundation sleep deficiency can cause health issues such as high blood pressure or diabetes.
After you know how important is to get a night of good sleep we can have a look at how the bedroom design can ruin it. Clutter is one of the main reasons why we can’t find peace in our bedrooms. If you don’t put enough time to organize your space it is probably full of stuff you don’t use. This can create anxiety and sleep deficiency.
The light and the temperature are other essential things that have an impact on sleep quality. Everyone has preferences on what is the best temperature and light for sleep. Another important thing is the smell in the bedroom. Some strong smells irritate the nose and distract the brain when is about to fall asleep.
Once you know what are the main reasons why you can’t get good sleep, we are going to give you 5 hacks on how to decorate your bedroom and create a better-sleeping routine. These hacks are usually underestimated because people don’t know the big impact they have.
1.Create a Strategy to Get Rid of the Clutter
As you already find out clutter is what brings anxiety and stress to your bedroom. That’s why you have to create a working strategy for how to get rid of it. What you can do is take time to consider which are unnecessary items and reduce them in your bedroom.
Usually, before going to bed we are super tired and we don’t spend time organizing our clothes. There are pieces of clothes everywhere in your room but you always find excuses to not put them in the wardrobe.
There is a working strategy you can use. Spend 5 minutes every night before you go to sleep to organize your clothes in the wardrobe. This way you will keep your bedroom more organized for only 5 minutes per day.
2.Use Lighting that Makes You Relaxed
Fade light is essential for the body to release melatonin (the sleep hormone). That’s why the source of lighting in your bedroom is very important. There are special lamps that create the light that influence our brain and makes it sleepy.
If there is light coming from outside you can buy fancy curtains to stop the light enter your bedroom at night. You can choose curtains that match other parts of the interior design.
3.Put Plants for More Fresh Air
The cause of the low-quality sleep you get could be the lack of fresh air in your bedroom. During the winter months is not a good idea to leave your window open to get fresh air, but there is another solution.
Put some green plants that can refresh the air and also boost your mood. There are many beautiful indoor plants that don’t need special care. On the other hand, green plants are a great home decoration that brings freshness to your home.
4. Add Sources of Fresh Smells
Have you heard about aroma therapy? There are some smells that help the body release stress and fall asleep quickly. Some of them are scents of vanilla and lavender that help you to feel calmer before going to sleep.
The best way to add some scants to your bedroom is by decorating with candles. This is a great detail that will help you to create a cozy environment that will help you get better sleep.
5. Colors Matter – Yes or No
According to color psychology, each color sends a certain message to the brain. Many interior designers use this knowledge to provoke emotions of coziness and warmness at home. You can also apply this, especially in your bedroom decoration.
The best colors to use in your bedroom interior are warm, soft colors and tones that bring you the feeling of relaxation. You can play with the texture and create a color mix to apply to the choice of curtains, bedsheets, rugs, and paint that sends the message to the brain “It’s sleeping time.”

My name is Scarlett Mitchell and i am an author and editor in the home topic website –
I’m just an enthusiast who wants to share her visions, ideas and advices, when it comes to decorating every part of your home until it becomes the perfect relaxing place for you and your family.