How to Organize Your Kitchen for Efficient Cooking

How to organize your kitchen

Have you ever wondered how cooking could some people’s favorite activity, while it takes so much effort and moving around in order to prepare even the simplest meal? Well, it doesn’t necessarily have to be so.

Efficiency is key when you are organizing a kitchen, and it makes the difference between a pleasant activity and a nightmare. If your cooking space is not properly ordered in a way that makes the process fast and efficient, you are most probably going to struggle.

Fortunately, there are some small changes you can make, which will make the room one of the coziest in your home, and cooking will be as easy as a child’s play.

Brilliant Tips for an Efficient Organization of your Kitchen

Think of the kitchen not simply as a room, but as a workspace. In a workspace everything is organized so that there is an easy access to all the tools you might be needing during different parts of the process.

Here is what to have in mind while organizing your workspace for a fast and efficient cooking.

Create Separate Workspaces

Seperate workspacesThe first thing you should think about when organizing your kitchen is to create separate working stations for preparation, cooking and cleaning. That is expert advice and it the key to effective organization that will turn the whole cooking process into a pleasant and rewarding experience.

After having set up the workspaces, think about storing all the necessary items for each part of the process near its corresponding station. For example, plates and dishes can be stored near the sink or the dishwasher, so that you can easily put them away after cleaning, and pans and pots are best stored near the cooker.

How to Order Cooking Utensils

The rule for storing cooking utensils is to put the ones you most frequently use close by and make sure you provide easy access to them.

A good tip is to store utensils you most often use for cooking in a drawer on the side of the stove. If you are right-handed for example, it will be easier for you if the drawer is on the right, since you will be able to take them out right away, without having to do too many unnecessary moves.

Utilize Walls to Hang Items

Another great way to store utensils efficiently is to use hangers in each area and hang the items you most often use. In that way you won’t even have to open a drawer to get them when you need them, since they will always be at an arm’s reach.

Utilizing vertical space is also a great way to optimize storage space if you have a small kitchen.

Make Use of Organizers

Things could get quite messy if you are storing everything in the same large cabinet, but you can solve the problem by using organizers such as baskets and boxes for ordering different types of products and items. If your drawers are too large, you can still use them to store a lot of utensils, but make sure you separate them according to their function.

How to Organize the Pantry

You’ve probably seen pictures of cozy-looking pantries with spices and foods stored in jars. That does not only bring a sense of coziness, but is also convenient on many levels. It makes it a lot easier to see how much of each food you have, and if you need to think about buying more of it the next time you’re at the grocery store.

To make everything a lot more organized you could use separate shelves for sweet and breakfast foods and for foods like rice, legumes, pasta and others. To separate storage space according to the types of food you are storing is also a good tip when it comes to organizing the fridge.

A good expert tip is to have your spices also around or above the stove, since it saves you a lot of unnecessary movement and time than if you had to go to the pantry each time you need to use a spice while cooking.

Items you Rarely Use

Items you sparingly use should be put aside when they won’t prevent you from cooking efficiently.

If there are any cooking utensils, dishes or appliances, such as a gelato machine for example, that you are using once a month or even less, store them in the back of a drawer. That minimizes clutter and allows you to use the front space for storing items you use more often.

Keep the Counter Neat

Counter neatThe kitchen counter is where all the magic of cooking happens, so organization there is paramount. Try to keep as little things on it as possible, and only have the essentials stored there.

Having a large space for meal preparation is vital if you want to enjoy the process and achieve marvelous results.

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