Cooking Fish – How to Prevent Making Your Kitchen Smells

Cooking Fish Smell

If you love seafood, then cooking fish is probably one of your go-to meals. Fish is healthy, delicious, and easy to cook, but it can also leave a strong odour in your kitchen that lingers for hours and even for days.

Many people avoid cooking fish because of the strong smell it leaves behind. While the odour can be unpleasant, it doesn’t have to be a deal-breaker. With a few simple tricks, you can cook fish without leaving your kitchen smelling bad.

Fortunately, there are several ways to prevent (or at least reduce) fishy smells from taking over your kitchen, and in this article, we will discuss some of them.

Why Does Fish Smell

Before we get into the tips on how to prevent fishy smells, it’s essential to understand why fish smells in the first place.

Fish contains a compound called trimethylamine oxide (TMAO), which breaks down into trimethylamine (TMA) when the fish starts to spoil.

TMA is a volatile organic compound that produces the strong odour that many people associate with fish.

Choose Fresh Fish

One of the easiest ways to prevent fishy smells in your kitchen is to start with fresh fish. Fresh fish has a mild odour that won’t overpower your kitchen, and it also tastes better than fish that has been sitting in the fridge for a few days.

When choosing fish, look for clear, bright eyes, shiny skin, and firm flesh. If the fish smells fishy, it’s not fresh and should be avoided.

Clean the Fish Properly

A very important step to prevent fishy smells in your kitchen is to clean the fish properly before cooking it.

Make sure to remove all of the guts, scales, and bones from the fish. Rinse the fish under cold running water and pat it dry with a paper towel.

Use the Right Cooking Method

The cooking method you choose can also affect how much the fish smells. Grilling, baking, and poaching are all great ways to cook fish without creating too much odour. Avoid frying fish if you want to keep the smell to a minimum.

Cook with Citrus

Citrus fruits, such as lemons, limes, and oranges, can help to reduce the fishy smell while also adding flavour to the dish.

Squeeze some lemon juice over the fish before cooking, or add slices of citrus fruit to the baking dish. The acid in the citrus can neutralise the odour and leave your kitchen smelling fresh.

Use Vinegar for Cooking

Vinegar is another natural odour eliminator that can be used when cooking fish. Add a tablespoon of vinegar to the water when poaching fish, or sprinkle some vinegar over the fish before baking it.

Use Spices and Herbs

Using spices and herbs can also help to mask and reduce the fishy smell in your kitchen while adding flavour to the dish.

Dill, parsley, and basil are all great options. You can sprinkle the herbs over the fish before cooking or add them to the sauce.

Cook with Onions and Garlic

Onions and garlic are both great ingredients for reducing fishy smells. The sulphur compounds in onions and garlic can help to neutralise the odour and leave your kitchen smelling less.

You can sauté onions and garlic before adding the fish to the pan, or you can add them to the sauce.

Use Proper Ventilation

Proper ventilation is crucial to prevent fishy smells from lingering in your kitchen. Make sure to turn on the cooking hood to maximum and open a window while cooking fish. This will help to circulate the air and reduce the smell.

Clean Up Immediately After Cooking

Once you’ve finished cooking, clean up immediately to prevent the smell from lingering. Wash all of the dishes and utensils used to prepare the fish, and wipe down the counters and stove with a mixture of water and vinegar.

It’s a very good idea to use kitchen counter cleaners that smell of citrus fruits (lemon, lime, oranges), as the fragrance of citrus fruits is the most powerful tool against fishy odours.

Try Alternative Methods

You can try cooking in baking bags. They are made from oven-safe materials that can withstand high temperatures. They are often used to cook meat, fish, and vegetables in the oven without creating a mess.

In fact, using baking bags brings numerous advantages. They not just reduce the unwanted smell but they are also a great way to lock in moisture and flavour while preventing food from sticking to the pan.

You just need to make sure that you follow the instructions on the packaging and adjust the cooking time accordingly. This is a very good way not only to avoid the unpleasant smell in the kitchen, but also to keep all the valuable nutrients in the fish.

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