10 Gorgeous and Easy Houseplants with Health Benefits

Houseplants with health benefits

Houseplants have the spotlight nowadays when it comes to making our homes look more stylish and cozier. You are probably seeing pictures of interiors decorated with all sorts of exotic plants all over the social media like Instagram.

If you are browsing through Pinterest to find ideas about how to make your own home look like that, this article is here to tell you a little bit more about which plants are best for your home.

What Easy-Care Houseplants Will Make You Healthier

The plants in our collection are winners for best houseplants, since they are not only easy to care for, look stunning, but they also make you home’s environment healthier.

Here are the top 10 houseplants with health benefits.

1. Golden Pothos

The Golden Pothos is a type of vine that you will most definitely see on these breathtaking pictures of cozy homes, decorated with greenery. The best news is that it is one of the easy-care plants that will thrive in most conditions.

It also has a health benefit, since it is proven to lower ozone levels from the air and improve its quality.

2. Elephant Ear Plants

These types of plants offer a wide variety, and all of them look gorgeous. Some of them might require more care than others, so if you are a beginner with houseplants, make sure you choose one that won’t require so much responsibility from your part.

They will make the air healthier and could help you keep bugs away from your home.

3. Dracaena

You can choose between a few different dracaena types, but most of them will thrive even in darker rooms. They tend to lower the levels of harmful chemicals in the air, that are given off by home appliances and other things that are present in every home.

The only thing you have to be careful about with dracaenas is not to expose them to air that is too hot or too cold.

4. Snake Plant

Snake plantThe snake plant is called that way because of its elongated leaves, but its not only completely harmless for you, but it also provides benefits to your health. NASA studies have proven that it has a role in removing toxic chemicals from the air, thus helping you breathe.

You will see for yourself that is also quite elegant-looking.

5. English Ivy

English Ivy is also a plant that lowers formaldehyde emissions from home environments. Moreover, it won’t require much care, but it will give your interior a poetic and captivating touch.

The only downside you have to bear in mind is that it could be toxic to pets.

6. Peace Lily

If you are looking for a houseplant that is healthy, easy to care for, and also charming, peace lily is the answer for you. These plants bloom in stunning white flowers, while they also make the air inside your home cleaner and healthier.

They can grow in darker rooms too, but keep in mind that if you want to see their flowers, you would need to provide it with a little more sunlight during the warmer months.

7. Rubber Plant

The rubber plant is a great option to create a focal point in your interior. Its thick leaves tend to clean the environment even from mold spores and bacteria, so it also contributes to your health is quite a useful way.

8. Majesty Palm

You have definitely seen the Majesty Palm in luxurious exterior spaces such as gardens and hotel yards. The good news is that this plant could also live in your home and create a magnificent atmosphere.

The plant doesn’t require as much care as you probably think it does. Just make sure you put it near a sun-oriented window and provide it with enough water. In return, it will make the air cleaner and purify it from CO2.

9. Spider Plant

Spider plantThe spider plant is quite an interesting type of plant with elegant cascading leaves, which give its name. It grows extremely fast and requires little care, as it feels better in moderate indirect sunlight.

For that reason, it would survive in almost any home. There is another reason why it is such a preferred houseplant, and it’s the fact that it also absorbs toxic elements from the air successfully.

10. Herbs

Putting herbs in pots in your kitchen is a way to instantly make it look more appealing and cute. They are also a step towards a healthier lifestyle.

Their leaves have a way of purifying the air, plus they smell nice and provide you with health benefits when you consume them. The smell of some types of herbs, such as lavenders, also has a positive effect on the nervous system as it reduces stress and anxiety.

So, growing herbs is an easy and natural way to improve your health.

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